Voxelmanip Forums
General information
Total posts3 (0.02 per day)
Total threads0 (0.00 per day)
Registered on2024-03-14 18:37 (4 months ago)
Last post2024-03-15 21:32 (4 months ago)
Last view2024-03-25 16:35 (4 months ago)

User information
BioI'm kittynunu, but I'm also known as dolphinana online or Johannes in real life. I love free software, composing music, cuddles, ROllerozxa and more :)
BirthdaySeptember 23, 2005 (18 years old)

Sample post
kittynunu kittynunu
Posted on 2024-07-27 05:58
This is a sample message. It shows how your posts will look on the board.
Posted by Anonymous
if (true) {
print "The world isn't broken.";
} else {
print "Something is very wrong.";

Test Link. Ooh!