Voxelmanip Forums
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-07-01 18:02, in Delivery of internet media is STILL a giant clusterfuck (edited 2022-07-01 18:05) Link | ID: 111
Can WEBP store extended metadata like camera-related information the way a JPEG can? (I'm fairly sure a PNG doesn't officially support extended metadata, even if one was to hack it into the file, I imagine support for it in image viewers and whatnot would be patchy.)

Also, I find it extremely weird that they only just decided to push it, given they had ten fucking years to push for it. They already pushed WEBM (or tried to) years ago, and the hilariously miniscule amount of adopters seem to be entirely confined to 4chan (and Reddit reposts).


Transcoding one lossy codec into another will lessen the quality for obvious reasons.

Honestly the only reason WebM/WebP even seem to exist are related to patents held on the H.264 codec when used commercially, which funny enough is a problem for very few people anyways unless you're Stallman-tier paranoid about things.
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-07-01 09:15, in Delivery of internet media is STILL a giant clusterfuck (edited 2022-07-01 09:17) Link | ID: 101
Seriously, I thought everything was in place a few years ago:

- Serve JPEGs for photographs, GIFs for animations, PNGs for things that require transparency or for graphics
- Serve MP4/H.264 video and provide a means of easily downloading the file in another format if otherwise not possible
- Serve OGG for audio.

Suddenly, it seems like we're in Format Hell once again... 4chan and some Linux users seem to really like WebM/VP9, everyone else in the fucking world uses MP4/AVC.

(There's some history behind this too: it relates to the removal of a codec specification from the HTML5 standard back in 2007, mostly because Apple cried about digital restrictions management.)

Of course, it's Apple's fault for being wankers and not supporting open formats, mostly to try to frustrate non-iTunes users (or those attempting to migrate from it): in a pretty sad state of affairs, the FLAC standard is under a BSD licence and Apple could so easily implement it but they don't because they changed two things in it to support DRM and called it ALAC. (Don't get me fucking started on how obtuse they were about OGG/OGV).

Personally, I'd like to see more things effectively tell Apple users to shove their I-Devices up their arse to the point that people begin to switch to Android by ignoring any and all demands that the company make and pay international bodies like the EU to turn a blind eye towards; though, the most recent bunch of bullshit has come from Google suddenly pushing the loosely-related-to-WebM-but-not-quite-the-same-thing out of the blue, despite it existing for ten years already and coming out around the same time, and virtually having no real reason to exist when everyone knew exactly WHAT to use a JPEG and a PNG and a GIF and an SVG for... yes, I'm talking about WebP.

Seriously, as if WebM wasn't pointless enough, we now also have to deal with WebP everywhere. I noticed this format's existence around 2016 when trying to save some avatars in Discord and just assumed it was something related to Electron, but alas, Google has suddenly decided they will start lobbying everyone and now trying to save anything will fucking save it in WebP format. And no, renaming the thing does not work, at least on some formats. But seriously, what's the point? La-dele-de, something-something alpha channel, compression, bollocks... You had ten years to push this shit on people and you do it now just to piss people off when they try to save an image. Feels more like some kind of patent avoidance more than anything else (or because four letter+ file extensions are all the rage these days).
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-07-01 03:28, in The Vending Machine (edited 2022-07-01 03:29) Link | ID: 98
You enter the PIN and it basically prints out a message telling you to go and fuck yourself for using a card for a small transaction as it hurts small businesses.

*insert coin*
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-30 16:22, in The Vending Machine (edited 2022-06-30 16:23) Link | ID: 94
Every single one of them has a different plushie, and they're all really soft and cute and loveable. You take them all home and they keep you all cosy and warm all night~ xoxo

*inserts coin*
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-30 00:26, in Furnace: a multi-system, cross-platform tracker (edited 2022-06-30 00:27) Link | ID: 91
Yeah, it is - it's also compatible with files created in DefleMask.

@ROllerozxa: Yes, it's a game music chip emulator, rather than an ordinary tracker. It still uses a tracker-like UI, so I thought it'd be worth posting it here, though. Glad you like it :P
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-30 00:25, in i made this thread in lynx Link | ID: 90
I could also just make something like I did on principia-web where you can bypass the HTTPS redirect using a cookie, and then use regular HTTP without getting redirected. It's not like this site is proxied through Cloudflare, so that would be possible for me to implement. I just don't want accidental downgrading to insecure HTTP to happen but that it will be a very deliberate action done on a device that does not support the newest TLS versions.
How would one be able to set the cookie on say, an embedded device that doesn't have access to the cookie store (like the 3DS mentioned in the previous post)?
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-30 00:18, in The Voxelmanip First Thread (edited 2022-06-30 00:22) Link | ID: 89
These ill-fated attempts at modernising a leftover of Web 1.0 fail to account for the fact that most people these days would rather have a single roof for all the places they signed up to, under one account, and divided into separate rooms (a la Discord), and that nowadays everything is a subset of one of the major platforms - including 'independent' circles, which often rely on Discord or 4chan or something in some way or another to keep going these days.

There's a reason most alt-chans failed, they're effectively just branches from the 'main' one, rather than their own distinct thing with a dedicated userbase. Discord caused the exact same thing but also managed to affect other kinds of web platform, too, such as spinoffs of itself or web forums.

Literally the only way going forward for message boards to return to their glory is for them to pitch themselves as perhaps being the most 'reliable' sources for community support, rather than 'active'/'friendly' or whatever. Emphasising ease of accessibility in virtually any situation whatsoever and the fact that one can actually take a break from it without feeling the need to keep up, in other words, exploiting the negative attitudes of social media's infinite stream of bullshit and applying it, could also help.
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-29 19:21, in Furnace: a multi-system, cross-platform tracker (edited 2022-06-29 19:22) Link | ID: 78
Furnace looks extremely promising and development is going very smoothly, with the 0.6 preview coming out 7 hours ago: https://github.com/tildearrow/furnace

It supports many common and obscure systems already, including the extremely notorious NAMCO WAVEFORMS that keep 125scratch up all night if he does anything with them; the Atari 2600, some common microcomputer chips; the Game Boy... all in all, lots of things are supported.

One interesting feature is that you can 'combine' multiple chips together in a single song. (This would particularly be useful if say, the Mega-CD's RF5C164 was implemented down the line, as well as the 32X's PWM).

For those on Linux an AppImage is available.
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-29 19:11, in What's the charm of ETS 2? (edited 2022-06-29 19:12) Link | ID: 77
What's so fun about driving?
Sales figures and reception for the first Gran Turismo on the PS1 clearly show a lot of people enjoy driving games... :P
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-29 10:08, in Change the registration question (edited 2022-06-29 10:08) Link | ID: 74
learning some maths sounds better

Come up with a better question, then, such as 'Which of the following is the odd one out: MOD, XM, IT, AIFF, S3M?' Or something like that.
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-29 09:48, in The Vending Machine Link | ID: 72
A QR code gets printed out. You scan it, and it takes you to a YouTube video entitled 'como descargar juegos 2022 gratis para android 100% NO VIRUS [MEGA]'.

*inserts coin* (PUSH 1P START.)
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-29 00:14, in The Voxelmanip First Thread Link | ID: 70
It sure should be. ROllerozxa is a pretty competent admin from what I've seen, and a damn good PHP coder too. Hell, I'm glad this place exists, I'm going to refer everyone who I'd normally bring to my shitboards here and see what they do, you're just the start of this.

I should probably introduce myself too, I used to run a board similar to this albeit with much less of a real purpose to it and with much less work done to it. (That said, the mobile layout code from one iteration did become implemented in this board, so I guess something good came out of it.)

I like Neps, console games, and currently running a combo of MacOSX 10.9.5 and Windows 8.1 on 2 different PCs, honestly I'm probably a normie compared to the rest of the people here, but whatever, I hope we get on fine.
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-29 00:01, in The Voxelmanip Classic Server! Link | ID: 66
It's for Minetest, not MC Classic. It's obviously good-looking enough of a recreation to have had you fooled, though, so it's doing its job well :P
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-28 23:57, in Change the registration question Link | ID: 64
I, as well as probably a lot of other people, do not have time to faff about with fancy-arsed registration questions.

Make the question something like 'How many objects are there in Bruno Powroznik's infamous video?' or something lol
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-28 23:51, in The Vending Machine Link | ID: 63
A plushie of Compa falls out. Lucky bastard. uwu

*inserts a coin*
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-28 23:40, in i made this thread in lynx (edited 2022-06-28 23:41) Link | ID: 61
Could try running an instance of Glype or phproxy on a local server and using that to connect to the board.

As far as I know there isn't a means of running TLS 1.2 on old Android versions: Firefox Mobile (try something like v31.x or lower) may work, however...
Compa Compa
please just get off the internet already jamie
Posted on 2022-06-28 23:38, in The Voxelmanip First Thread Link | ID: 60
I've seen a few of these "old vibes forums" and i really like them.
It's just a shame that they often tend to fall into only allowing you to have one political opinion, either far-left or far-right.

I blame Discord's rise to fame (and consequently everyone not only sharing a singular account for everything, but forums migrating over there, after holding out on their own against social media for so long since the decline in 2012 or so), Twitter's 'who to follow' and emphasis on popularity between users and 'having to be funny/current' and whatnot (Discord and Twitter go hand in hand), the Tumblr spillout in late 2018, the Nintendo Switch's release and success outside its usual spaces pipelining a lot of 'ordinary' people into learning about anime culture and whatnot via curiosity due to having seeing a lot of it all over Twitter and YouTube trending tabs (prior to 2017 many things like gender ideology and anime were seen as weird by a vast majority of both internet people and ordinary people)...

... in other words, commercialism, certain things becoming popular and propelling things that were once seen as weird into being less weird now, and certain platforms finally managing to destroy independent communities is what led to the mess of the last six years or so.

I feel particularly sorry for those few people born circa 2000-2002 who liked these things before they were considered cool and then felt alienated from both sides of the seemingly binary-minded ways these days, which is ironic considering the push for 'gender equality', that there's actually more people who feel out of place now than ever before so I have found out...

Sorry if this is really, really rambling, but I'm glad we have our cute owner ROllerozxa actually providing somewhere for this seemingly 'lost' middle ground.